Every 2 years the Saab Car Club of Australia has a national event that brings together Saab owners and their families from around Australia. The planning for the 2011 national event is starting, the dates will coincide with the 2011 Easter holiday in April , and you will be part of the 10th year celebration of the national SCCA Ltd club. The final location is yet to be announced however the club national committee has the Northern NSW coastal regions as the preferred region. Our previous national events have been an outstanding success and our last event in Canberra was the single largest group of cars and family groups ever for a national event. So to our Australian SCCA members you will be receiving information on the event when all plans are completed .... for overseas Saab owners who may be traveling in Australia in April 2011 we extend an invitation to introduce yourselves on the SCCA web site and consider been part of the largest group of Saab owners in this part of the world