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11 January 2019Just wondering what kind and year of Saab that you drive, Mike?9 replies | 25084 view(s)
11 January 2019Nice looking 9-5, and kinda cool to see a SAAB that looks new! But my 2001 9-5 has a very similar line to the back half; and I think the '01 front...9 replies | 25084 view(s)
30 September 2018Google Maps shows that the building is now full of cars as Land Rover Guilford. A green Land Rover oval is where the Saab sign on the upper left of...6 replies | 13279 view(s)
29 October 2015Video is available on Youtube again, original post updated.15 replies | 19929 view(s)
02 March 2015This was 4 years ago in March 2011.. such a distant memory to see Saab at a car show. :cry:2 replies | 6807 view(s)
30 October 2014tunnanxwd commented on article Spyker files a three billion dollar lawsuit against General Motors in HomeMoving materials to avoid creditors or the tax man, no matter how much we dislike "him" is pretty shaky. I don't look at things of this nature as...18 replies | 5924 view(s)
30 October 2014nordwulf commented on article Spyker files a three billion dollar lawsuit against General Motors in HomeIt doesn't look too good for Spyker. The latest from Zeewolde is they haven't paid the rent on the building for several months now and the building...18 replies | 5924 view(s)
24 October 2014tunnanxwd commented on article Spyker files a three billion dollar lawsuit against General Motors in HomeLet's keep in mind that Victor himself, had issues and turned himself in instead of being arrested like Kristina Geers and Ake as well as his...18 replies | 5924 view(s)
24 October 2014nordwulf commented on article Spyker files a three billion dollar lawsuit against General Motors in HomeSo.... 2 years later and the court rules in favor of GM. Well, that comes as a surprise...! Spyker could have used the money because the comapny...18 replies | 5924 view(s)
21 January 2014Dave T commented on article Impressions of Singapore, the second biggest Saab market in the Asia Pacific region in HomeAn update: The Leng Kee Road showroom has been converted to a used car showroom. Servicing of Saabs continue at Trans Eurokars. For quite a while,...3 replies | 10973 view(s)