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  1. #11
    Master SaabTech/Moderator Burnsside42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rpiereck View Post
    That's odd that they ship them from the factory with covers but no speakers...
    Not really - as Saab has done this for years. You must have the PREMIUM stereo option for the complete speaker package. Base model stereo car's just had the min. number of speakers. I am in the process of adding door speakers for my 2000 9-3 right now. AMP is also required for this update.
    98-06 9-5's were the same way. Subs also only came in 9-5's with the premium stereo.
    This logic continued into the Sport Sedan 9-3 era too. Only makes sense they'd do it on a NG9-5
    European Motor Services, LLC - Point Pleasant, PA 18950 - www.europeanmotorsvc.com

  2. #12
    Wastin' money... JLausch's Avatar
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    my 2010 has the HK system and all the speakers are there, iirc... i donno. Assuming those of you who don't have speakers just have the base system? IIRC the majority of the HK stuff is in the amp/audio processing.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    01 Feb 2013
    93 SPORT HATCH VECTOR TDI 150CV, 9-5 2011 Vector 2.0 TiD de 160 CV
    I purchased a [FONT=Arial]9-5 Vector 2.0 TiD de 160 CV and [/FONT]I have the same problem Barry and Razorbee had...missing back speakers...Razorbee has mentioned that the speakers that I need to buy are GM part number 13264617 that I have found them for $37 each plus shipping. But I am not sure what kind af amp I required to install and if I have to connect the wiring from the back doors. Any ideas? I need some help

  4. #14
    1st SAAB
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    29 May 2013
    2011 9-5 T6
    I am a proud, new, owner of a 2011 9-5 with the same issue of just having 7 speakers instead of 9. I have located the speakers on the GM site but am wondering what the amplifier part number is and if there is one for both or one for each speaker. Also did you add tweeters in the back as well? My local stereo installers have been everything but helpful. Thanks.

  5. #15

    Join Date
    01 Feb 2013
    93 SPORT HATCH VECTOR TDI 150CV, 9-5 2011 Vector 2.0 TiD de 160 CV
    I bought 2 back pioneer speakers and my local stereo installers didn't install a new amp, all they did was to connect the new speakers through the side door panels in the back and the sound is great. They performed all the installation in less than 2 hours...it was very simple...I saw everything they did..they didn´t had to remove the door speakers..they took the wiring from the front part of the back doors...there are 6 or 7 cables and they have to choose the ones that are kind of twisted and if one of the color is red the other one have to be red with a black line. I do not remember the excat colors of the cables but I think they were orange..it doesn´t matter..remember the cables have to be twisted..and they have to take 2 cables from each door and then take them to the rear panels..it is easier than it sounds and for a stereo installer it is no problem..you can save some money since do not required an extra amplifier because the one that the car had it is enough for 9 speakers. It doesn´t require tweeters on the back speakers...

  6. #16

    Join Date
    21 Jun 2013
    Colorado USA
    2011 9-5 sedan

    Can you tell me if you had to unhook the rear door speakers when you hooked up the rear panel speakers to get them to work and not overload the amp? Or did you add the rear panel speakers to the factory seven speaker set (I think they refer to it as a AS2 system?) and it worked as a nine speaker system? Also, about the wires from the rear doors, do you know how they accessed them and then how they ran them back to the rear panel?

    I would like to do this to my 9-5 like you did. One last question, did you add a subwoofer in the trunk area? Could that be done without upgrading the amp?

  7. #17

    Join Date
    09 Mar 2015
    santa fe, NM
    2007 Saab 9-5 Aero
    Does anyone have an update on this? I have no rear speakers either! I took bought a 2010 Saab 9-5 Aero with the Navigation package, DVD-Audio, DTS, and very surprised that it didn't come with the Harman Kardon 11 speaker package. Instead, I have the standard 9-speaker system, and I am missing the rear speakers as well!!!!



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