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  1. #1
    Saab Nut
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    66 - 96 Stroker project - jskrebs - USA

    Can get this free. Well, cost of transport

    Plus spare motor and trans axle, hood, doors, grill, interior parts, NOS motor parts.

    looks like a 3 year project.

    Wondering if I should tackle it.
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  2. #2
    Moderator Shazam's Avatar
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    Rochester, New York, USA
    I don't see why not? If the spare motor isn't seized, that will save you a lot of time. The interior with exception to the seats looks in pretty good condition, but I'd hate to see what the floor pan and rocker panels look like. It does look like a big project, but for basically free and if you've got the space, how can you go wrong? If it ends up being a mistake, you could try to sell it, part it out, or just give it to the next guy if he promises it won't be in the next demolition derby.
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    "Sometimes it is better to travel than it is to arrive." - Robert Pirsig

  3. #3
    Saab Nut
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    Westport, Pennsylvania, United States
    93 9000 CSE, 85 900T
    Floorboards and rockers have rust. I would strip it all the way down to a shell put it on a rotary to cut and weld. Have spare seats in pretty good condition.

  4. #4
    Administrator nordwulf's Avatar
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    The average passerby sees it as a junk car, Saab enthusiasts see it as an opportunity. I don't think I could ever take on a project like that because I wouldn't even know where to start. But as Mike said, if you have the space and it's free.. That must be the biggest satisfaction after giving it a second (or third, fourth) life and taking it out for the first drive.

  5. #5
    Saab Nut
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    The car is my Dads I last drove it in the mid 80's last registered in 90. My Wife thinks it's cute and OK's moving it the 250 miles to our barn.
    She also said she would help with the restoration......


    You start by taking everything apart and taking a lot of pictures.

  6. #6
    Moderator Shazam's Avatar
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    Can't wait to follow this project. Maybe it will give me the motivation to get moving forwards on mine.
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    "Sometimes it is better to travel than it is to arrive." - Robert Pirsig

  7. #7
    Saab Enthusiast AT ONE SIR's Avatar
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    2001 9-5 Wagon 2.3T I4 (B235E)
    very cool.
    2001 9-5 Wagon

  8. #8
    Saab Nut
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    Westport, Pennsylvania, United States
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    Moving Day

    Special shout out to Jim and Jay Cosner who assisted my wife and I to get the car on the trailer. After we re inflated one and swapped 3 wheels for ones that held air, it was apparent that we would not be pushing the car up on the trailer. A gentle push from the Kubota and 'Old Troll" was up on the trailer where 2 of the tires immediately deflated. I do have a good set of Soccor Balls and a set of steelies with hubcaps.

    Digging deep in the Shed we found a plethora of old Saab spares my Father had squirreled away, including a spare motor trans with 40K original miles, 2 perfect doors in wrong color, a bunch of interior parts and bins full of small parts.

    Today I need to get it to the Garage or Barn and get the Rover unloaded.

    A quick underneath indicated there will be rust repair, well a quick look from the side indicates there will be rust repair but I think I can pull it off. I plan on stripping the car down pretty far and making a rotisserie to rotate it. To old to be laying under a car and grinding/welding.
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  9. #9
    Saab Nut
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    Westport, Pennsylvania, United States
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    In the Garage with no Drama.
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  10. #10
    Moderator Shazam's Avatar
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    Rochester, New York, USA
    Be careful with a rotisserie. I've heard a story or two about people getting their Saab all mounted up, but they got a bit carried away with the cutting of the old metal, and the car collapses on itself. John and Mark Ashcraft actually suggest building a sort of stand (basically putting the body on glorified sawhorses located at certain spots) to ensure the body doesn't want to sag when you start cutting out rust in the floor and rocker panels.

    That being said, post the details on your rotisserie. I'd be very interested in making one. It has been on the list of wants.

    Oh, and nice Disco.
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    "Sometimes it is better to travel than it is to arrive." - Robert Pirsig



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