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  1. #1

    1999 Saab 9-3 issues need help!!

    Basically the car is in total meltdown. Hazards go off randomly and can only be stopped by removing the fuse which then leaves me with no turn signals. Key gets stuck in ignition and wont move past lock until after several attempts of jimmying the key around it finally turns. Then, now more recently the car want turn over just "clicks", however the battery is a good battery (had it tested) and no fuses are blown. Not sure if anyone else has had similar problems and found solutions, but I have no clue how to fix it. I think everything is some how linked to the anti-theft system, but im not entirely sure. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Master SaabTech/Moderator Burnsside42's Avatar
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    25 Oct 2010
    Point Pleasant, PA
    - 86' 9KT - 95' 9K Custom CS - 06' 9-3 Combi - 07' 9-7X Arc - 08' 9-3 Convertible - 08' 9-3 TurboX -
    Sounds like you have a FEW issues - but perhaps nothing major.

    Key not turning to pull out could be 1 of 3 things; 1. The ignition cylinder is worn out and needs replacing. 2. the ignition switch is messed up and needs replacing. 3. the reverse lock out (assuming it's a manual) is damaged.

    The hazard light issue could be a bad relay or a bad alarm siren. I would seek out unplugging the alarm siren in the d/s front wheel housing first. OR a Tech2 could deprogram the cars alarm system faster.

    Sounds like a possible ground issue or starter problem with the click no start. Check all grounds (under the back of the d/s intake too) for any corrosion - clean and secure all grounds and recheck.
    European Motor Services, LLC - Point Pleasant, PA 18950 - www.europeanmotorsvc.com



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