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  1. #1
    Saab Fan
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    2000 Saab 9-5

    Check Engine Codes P0100, P1110, and P1334

    I know there are posts about some of these codes individually, but I am wondering if anyone knows if there are any correlations or connections with these three codes all being present at once, or even two of these codes. Perhaps it would shed some light as to what the issue is with the car. What I have been noticing is that when I first start the car, as in, when I turn the key over to start it, it struggles at times, almost as if it is choking. It does eventually start, and usually I am not having any problems starting it. It only does it sometimes. Also, I know I had a past issue with the compression of the engine, but I fixed it but doing the pcv update and cleaning the oil pickup screen, and replacing the exhaust manifold bolts that were broken off and the exhaust manifold gasket. The car is running amazing. No smoke is coming out of the engine anymore. I think maybe I have a clogged catalytic converter but I am hoping that it unclogs on it's own by driving it. I really want these check engine lights to clear. Does anyone have any idea as to what I could do first second and third?

  2. #2
    Saab Enthusiast CaptainMediocre's Avatar
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    P0100 might be resolved just by cleaning the mass air flow sensor really well. I've never dealt with p1110 personally. The P1334 refers to misfires which I have dealt with before and resolved by changing spark plugs and the Direct Ignition Cassette, something that seems like its sort of a right of passage for a Saab owner. Do you know when the last time the DI cassette was changed?

  3. #3
    Saab Nut 9-3 Aero's Avatar
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    Checking the WIS for dependency (correlations or connections) between these three DTCs gives NIL. The P1110 has a lot of dependents, however yours not included.

    The fault codes are:
    P0100: Mass Air Flow Circuit. No Signal.
    P1110: Charge Air Bypass Valve. Performance Problems.
    P1334: Combustion Detection Cyl. 3+4. Open Circuit / Short to B+.

    So it looks like the engine has two faulty components and one problematic circuitry, which of course could be right - or wrong. However, when looking at the Swedish text of the P1334 a note at the bottom drew my attention: "The fault code is normally set by sooty spark plugs.". As correct selection of spark plugs pertaining to Saabs is very important, is maybe check for soot the first action you could take. Then the correct type is very important, as the Saab plugs serve more than one role. A warmer spark plug than recommended for the engine, may cause problems with cold starts (i.e. when the engine is cold). AND: The plugs to be NGKs.

    As we don't know which engine is in question, LPT, HPT or "HOT", original or Stage x, am I not in position to give an advice on which spark plugs are recommended in this case. If you are going to check them, it would be interesting to see the type installed.
    Last edited by 9-3 Aero; 18 April 2014 at 14:48. Reason: another typo



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