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  1. #1

    Only had 2002 9-5 for two weeks, trouble starting

    I just got my 2002 9-5 Sedan Linear two weeks ago. Last night on my way home, I stopped to fill up. Got back in the car, starter clicked a few times and it died and had to ask for a jumpstart. Drove home fine, turned it off and waited a few seconds, then tried to restart. No joy.

    This morning I go to start it up and it acts like it's not going to start, very rough, then suddenly starts. What's going on? Seeing as this just happened last night, I have NOT had any codes checked yet, afraid to try and go anywhere.

  2. #2
    Saab Enthusiast CaptainMediocre's Avatar
    Join Date
    24 May 2013
    Pennsylvania, USA
    2007 Saab 95 2.3T Sedan
    This sounds like simply a bad battery to me. If you go to your local autoZone, advanced etc... they should be able to test the battery. New Battery will run a little over $100.

  3. #3
    That was my first thought, but knowing the history of how quirky these things can be, my assumption was it was something more. I'll risk the trip to Autozone and check it out and report any engine codes I have as I'll have that checked, too. Thanks, Cap'n! =)



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