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  1. #1
    jakecarver05's Avatar
    Join Date
    25 Jun 2015
    Akron, OH, USA
    2002 9-5 3.0t V6 Arc

    Question Want to safely reach 240-260 HP for my 3.0 V6 Arc.. How?

    So, I've been "blessed" with the 3.0t V6 Arc, and I want to make the best of it and get some power out of it. Here's the thing:

    I pretty much got the Saab for free, and then some. I received a 2000 camry for free that I was able to sell for $1200, and got the 9-5 for $950. The guy that I got it from got it a year or two back from florida, with absolutely no rust, spotless interior, and it's still in GREAT cosmetic condition. I've gotten multiple things fixed on it since, such as the water pump, vacuum hoses, everything to get it mechanically sound. All of this work, of course, being done by a Saab specialist with about 20 years of experience with the cars.

    The car is running very well now, and I feel it's healthy enough to start modding. Problem is, this model 9-5 was meant to be a cruiser, and not a sporty 16-year-old's car that I thought I might be getting when I bought it (before research, oops). The price and condition attracted me though, and i'm genuinely happy with my situation.

    I need some questions answered, though, because I have a very, very basic knowledge of Saabs right now.

    • Do I have a T7 engine?
    • What do I have to do to reach optimum horsepower/gear ratios/etc?
    • Would an aftermarket intake be a bad idea?
    • Resonator Delete: safe or not?

    Thank you to anyone who can answer any of these. Wish I had ANY other saab, but i'm committed and willing to get some significant power out of it.


  2. #2
    Saab Enthusiast
    Join Date
    06 Nov 2011
    Smyrna TN
    2007 9-5 Aero Sport Combi
    Dont do it. The 3.0l is not a great engine (thanks GM) and it wont like you very much.



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