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01 October 2019 #1
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- 2005 9-5 Aero, prior to the 9-5 had a 9000CS that had been tweaked by Abbott Racing in the UK
ESP warning light never goes off
The ESP warning light never goes off, when you switch the ignition on, it comes on as do all the other warning lights, start the car it goes off, move forward and within 4 meters it comes on and does not go off again, once or twice it felt as if the ABS was kicking in and there would be a juddering from the front left, no other warning lights come on. Any ideas?
01 October 2019 #2
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Before you do anything read your codes, just because something is almost always doesn't mean that its your problem and there are several sensors that could be bad.
With the TCS light off until you start moving and a juddering from the front left with no ABS light on its probably not the TCS switch and like most ABS TCS systems you probably have a bad solder connection where the big plug connect pins attaché to the ABS controller circuit board. This is about a $0.05 fix, if you have the tools to do it yourself. Odds are you will probably need to get yourself a long necked torx set just to get the tools needed to remove the control module from the valve assembly. So check for codes before you start taking things apart.
02 October 2019 #3
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- 2005 9-5 Aero, prior to the 9-5 had a 9000CS that had been tweaked by Abbott Racing in the UK
Thank you Digger, I'll pursue this and report back.
15 October 2019 #4
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- 2005 9-5 Aero, prior to the 9-5 had a 9000CS that had been tweaked by Abbott Racing in the UK
Good day Digger,
I had purchased a OBD II ELM327 (see attached photo)
I then bought/downloaded an Android App from Torque Pro paired it with the OBD II and attempted to download the fault codes, it told me that there were no fault codes stored in the ECU. I then went to Torque Pro's website to see what they recommended (as you can see I was going about this ass about face), here is a link to their recommendations the scanner I have is suspect, it might work then it might not. I have since ordered an OBDLINK LX from in Arizona as soon as it arrives I'll let you know how it goes.
19 October 2019 #5
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- 2002 95 Aero manual Black, 2001 95 Aero Silver, 1999 Viggen
I have a 2002 Aero manual that had the same problem. I bought a used ABS/TCS/ESP module from Goldwing autoparts. The Bosch number must be an exact match. BBA reman cannot repair these modules. The module must be married to the car with a Tech 2. No more problems. I was previously experiencing an occasional two second right front brake caliper engaging!
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