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  1. #1
    Dave T.
    Super Moderator Dave T's Avatar
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    Tire prices going up, several sources. Consider buying some now?

    These links are from September, 2010.

    http://www.tirereview.com/Article/79...us_prices.aspx Pirelli will raise prices for passenger and light truck tires sold in the United States by up to 7%. The new prices will be effective Dec. 1. The tiremaker cited rising raw material costs for the price increase.

    http://www.tirereview.com/Article/80...ice_hikes.aspx Hankook Tire America Corp. is raising prices by up to 6.5% on its full line of passenger, light truck and medium duty truck tires. The increases will take effect on all shipments on or after Nov. 1.

    http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-0...ber-costs.html Goodyear’s increase of as much as 6 percent is for all replacement tire brands in the U.S. and Canada, a spokesman, Jim Davis, said today in a telephone interview. Cooper is boosting prices as much as 6.5 percent in November, Curtis Schneekloth, a spokesman, said in an interview. Goodyear and Cooper said they’re responding to materials costs that have climbed in the past year, including a gain in the price of rubber. Both companies said they last raised retail prices in June.

    http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-0...ber-costs.html Both companies said they last raised retail prices in June. suggesting that maybe companies raise prices at the same time.

    The low end tire market influences the more expensive tires somewhat. If cheap tires become more expensive, the expensive models will probably not stay the same. So, this link from 2009, says...

    http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/12/bu...l/12tires.html Mr. Gibbs (Mr. Obama's spokesman) said the United States, which already imposes a 4 percent tariff on Chinese tires, would impose an additional tariff of 35 percent for one year. The tariff will be reduced to 30 percent in the second year and 25 percent in the third year. The tariff is to take effect on Sept. 26 (currently the tariff is 30%, effective September 26, 2010)

    Now might be the right time to buy summer tires for next year. Of course, occasionally, there are rebates in the spring. By then, the before rebate price might be higher.

    Despite this advice, I probably won't be buying tires because my summer tires have one year left on them. My snow tires have 8-9/32" of tread left.

  2. #2
    Saab Fan aerogirl's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Chicago, IL
    2006 9-3 Aero
    Wow! Thanks for the advice. I need to buy new tires as it is.



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