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  1. #1
    Jose Luis
    Saab Addict jlrSAAB's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 Oct 2010
    2007 93 Aero 2.8 V6

    how to replace auto-transmission oil (B284) AT

    how to replace B284 AT oil

    miles interval, 60000 miles for AT

    Oil Change gearbox, steps
    1. Put the car on a lift as horizontal as possible.
    Place the change in position P and apply the parking brake.
    If using an elevator track, the wheels should be blocked.
    Attach the suction system exhaust.

    2. Remove the engine undercover and place a collecting container under the car.
    Drain the oil from the gearbox through the drain plug.

    Remove pipe plug first the oil level to gain access to the allen wrench.

    3. Fit the drain plug with new gasket. Also mount level plug. Wear protective gloves.
    Tightening torque, drain plug 45 Nm (33 Ibf ft)

    Oil Change gearbox
    If the car has been recently launched, oil can be very hot.
    . Risk of burns.

    Lower the car and fill with 3 liters of gearbox oil through the filler cap on spec. See Weight, volume and quality of oil.

    5. Take Control / oil level adjustment. (see below quote )

    6. Mount the engine undercover.

    7. Lower the car and mount the filler cap.

    Tightening torque, oil filler 30 Nm (22 lbf ft)

    8. Tech2 Disconnect the vacuum system and the exhaust.

    Control / Oil level adjustment
    The following methods comprise two operating procedures:
    1. Oil level control and refueling prior to engine shut down.

    2. Oil level control with the engine running.

    Both operational steps should be performed in the order listed below. The oil level should be checked only the specified oil temperatures after intervening in the gearbox or if you suspect you may have an oil leak. Use oil according to the volume and quality of oil.

    Control with engine off

    1. Put the car on a lift as horizontal as possible. Apply the parking brake and put the change in position P. If using an elevator track, the wheels should be blocked. Attach the suction system exhaust.
    2. Raise the vehicle. Remove the engine undercover and place a collecting container under the gearbox. Remove the pipe plug oil level.

    3. If oil goes through the hole of the tube level, refuel gearbox oil until it begins to pour. Disregard the oil contained in the tube level. Mount the cap.
    Tightening torque, level cap 8 Nm (7 lbf ft)

    4. Enter 1 liter of oil around the fill hole.

    Control of oil at a temperature from 30ºC to 45º C
    1. Lower the car.

    2. Connect the Tech2. Operate the engine until the temperature reaches 30 ° to 45 ° C according to the menu "Check Values" TCM. Move the gear selector position P to D and then, from D to P. Let the march more than 2 seconds in each position (N and R) while stepping on the brake pedal. Repeat twice.

    3. Leave the engine running and lift the car. Place a collection container under the gearbox and remove the pipe plug oil level.

    4. It will get a correct oil level when it ceases to be discharged by the oil level hole. Disregard the oil contained in the tube level.

    5. If the oil level is below or level flush pipe, not pour any oil content than the level in the tube. In that case you must fill oil. Mount the cap.
    Tightening torque, level cap 8 Nm (7 lbf ft)

    1. Lower the vehicle and turn off the engine.
    Remove the filler cap and top up approx. 0.5 liters of gearbox oil. See Weight, torque, volume and quality oil.

    2. Start the engine, put the gear selector position P to D and then D to P. Allowed to stand up more than 2 seconds in each gear position coupled (N and R) while the pedal is the brake. Repeat this procedure twice.

    3. Raise the car and rechecking the oil level. Add if necessary. Fit the drain plug when leaving the oil.
    Tightening torque, level cap 8 Nm (7 lbf ft)

    4. Mount the engine undercover.

    5. Lower the car, stop the engine and mount the fill hole plug.
    Tightening torque, oil filler 30 Nm (22 lbf ft)

    6. Tech2 Disconnect the vacuum system and the exhaust

    Check and adjust level with the oil temperature between 70 and 80 º C.
    1. Carry out checks and filling as above, and then add another approximately 0.4 liters.
    Weight, volume and quality of oil.
    Oil quantity (total including a torque converter 75 ° C) for B284 ... [FONT="]6,7 liters.
    [/FONT]Quantity of oil (for oil changes) for B284... 2.55 liters

    oil quality:
    93 165 147 gearbox mineral oil

    --6-speed premium mineral based transmission fluid, ATF AW-1 (2005-2007, 1L)
    SAAB 93165147.
    please note:
    AT, mineral oil base. Synthetic oil has a coefficient of friction different from a mineral base oil, why should not be used. If used synthetic oil can register disrupt the functioning due to abnormal wear.

  2. #2
    Jose Luis
    Saab Addict jlrSAAB's Avatar
    Join Date
    26 Oct 2010
    2007 93 Aero 2.8 V6
    Fluid type AW-1 (low friction), lifetime fill

    I have never changed the transmission fluid in any of my manual transmission cars.
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Low friction oil AW-1 is certified "fill-for-life".
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]2009 Aisin AW AF40-6 (M36)FWD & (MXE)AWD Automatic Transmission[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]The AF40-6 is a compact, lightweight, electronically controlled 6-speed automatic[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]transaxle for front-wheel-drive and all-wheel-drive installation.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]APPLICATIONS:[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Opel Astra, Zafira, Vectra, Saab 9-3, Cadillac BLS[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]STRUCTURE:[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Die cast aluminum housing with 87 kg weight (dry).[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Ravigneaux-type planetary gear set (Le Pelletier arrangement).[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]High-precision clutch hydraulic control system for smooth, highly responsive gear[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]shift feel.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]PRODUCT FEATURES:[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]High ratio spread of 6,05:1 for optimum drivability & fuel economy.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Several final drive ratios selectable (2,561 … 3,750).[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Two torque converter sizes with different k-factor options.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Maximum shift speed is 7000 rpm.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Several functions available:[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]- [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Eco Mode[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]- [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Selective Sport Mode[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]- [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Drivers Adaptive (Fuzzy)[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]- [/FONT][FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Manual Mode (Tiptronic)[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]- Road Load Sensitive Shiftmaps[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]- ….. (for more see spec.)[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]TCM with integrated position sensor mounted on transmission.[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]TORQUE CONVERTER:[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]6 element dual stage type with lock-up clutch[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]6 set bosses for connection to flexplate[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]LOW MAINTENANCE:[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]Low friction oil AW-1 is certified "fill-for-life".[/FONT]

    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]OVERVIEW:[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]The AF40 is an automatic transmission built by Aisin AW at its Anjo City plant in Japan. It[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]is the one of the lightest front-wheel-drive automatic transmission in its class worldwide.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]The AF40 is designed for gasoline and diesel engines with a max. torque capacity of up to[/FONT]
    [FONT=Arial, sans-serif]450 Nm.[/FONT]



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